7800 compatible controllers part 1

List of compatible controllers for atari 7800. By default only CX78-CX24 and utilize 2 buttons. And some third party like a sears version mentioned here and a best electronics version which is very similar. https://atariage.com/controller_list.php?SystemID=7800 But you can use a sega genesis controller on your atari 7800 also. And with an adapter a playstation and nes controller. But by default only 1 button works on a genesis controller. I however could not get any to work on my 3 button genesis controller. But after buying this adapter it works now. Both buttons work. http://edladdin.com/Seagull-78-Controller-Adapter-ec-2-001.htm And I used coupon code "NSG" to save 10% off my order which was 2 dollars and 50 cents for me. Now all is good and I have more options than ever before. And more comfortable options for that matter. Today we will go over some of those options. First an original NES nintendo controller or any NES controller for tha...